Smartly manage debts between friends
Kittysplit is the easiest way to share bills with friends. Period. No registration, no password, totally free.

Here's an example
Jack, Jane and John go on a skiing weekend together. Jack pays for the ski-hire; Jane pays the hotel; John pays for dinner.

Now who owes what?
Jack creates a Kitty on Kittysplit and adds his own expenses one at a time.

Sharing the Kitty
Once he's finished, Jack sends an email with a link to the Kitty. John and Jane can enter what they paid.

Settling up
Everyone can then see how much they owe and to whom. They can settle up and get on with the fun things in life.

Kittysplit works on all platforms 🐱
It just works on every device that has a decent browser. No apps required.